si fajar itu, meninggalkan pesan di tagboard gue, n now, gue harus mengikuti permainan ini. untung dia ganteng, mwuahahaha...


The Rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight
things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose
eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and
to read ur blog.

So, these 8 things about me. *bo, gue gitu, semua orang juga tau kaleee gue kayak gimana*

1. I RESIST to grow up. Call me stupid, spoil, pethatic, anything u want. Still, i never want to be a grown-up. Growing up sucks! Beside, according to me, grown ups are blinded. they dont know what they really need exactly, they misplaced their priorities in life. and i never want to be one of those people.

2. I dont really fancy thinking about something, so i do that rarely. 'hajar bleh' probably sangat cocok menggambarkan siapa gue. i grab the first think that i see, without giving a thought about it first. karena gue jarang mikir jadinya gue juga jarang nyesel. life's too short untuk dibuang-buang dengan suatu penyesalan.

3. Positivity. Maybe that's the only good thing about me. I always try to be positive dimanapun dan kapanpun. always try to see the bright side, especially in my so-called dramatic life. jadi, kalau sampai gue kehilangan kepositifan gue, gue bakalan jadi serangga pengganggu yg ga ada bagusnya.

4. Bookworms. Yup that's me. I'd feel content and happy just because i got a couple of new books to be adding into my collections. So, u can say im easy to pleased. Uuuh, and also DVDs. My ideal weekend is doing nothing but reading and watching shallow dramas.

5. Tough. walau mungkin nggak sekuat itu, tapi gue menolak untuk ditaklukkan oleh sesuatu. nggak selamanya hidup itu gampang, dan pasti ada kalanya pengen lari, or giving up. but i'll never do that. bukannya karena gue hebat atau apa, tapi ego gue nggak akan bisa terima kalau gue cuma bisa terkapar pasrah, apalagi kalau cuma gara-gara makhluk yang otaknya berbentuk seperti pisang molen, dengan dua butir onde-onde dibawahnya.

6. im a sucker for little pretty things. hal-hal kecil yang nggak penting biasanya justru membuat gue lebih bahagia. seperti, nongkrong dan ngomong ngaco ngalor ngidul with the geng.

7. never take things seriously. kadang sifat gue ini jadi sangat menyebalkan bagi orang lain yang bekerja bareng gue. bahkan dalam2 hal-hal yang membutuhkan kedisiplinan pun, gue tetep santai. im relax to the bone.those cynical people bakal bilang gue males, cuma what the heck.gue bakal melakukan semuanya when the time is right atau kalo lagi mood aja, wehehehe.

8. a lil bit of egocentric and self-centered, but who doesnt, tiap orang hanya mempunyai cara yang berbeda aja dalam memenuhi sisi egois mereka, and i prefer the bluntant way. jadi, banyak orang yang nganggep gue seenaknya, dan ga mikirin orang lain.when it happens to u, u just have to realize people, that maybe u dont mean that much to me. because for those who r matter, i'll do anything, ANYTHING to keep them smiling.

there, i've finished it.korban selanjutnya....

1. adis
2. pani
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...
7. ...
8. ...
ya gimana, gue jarang tau blog2 orang.karena emang ga mau pusing dan ga pedulian, gue mana mau tahu urusan orang.dan orang2 yang gue mau tau urusannya udah keduluan di tagged sama orang lain, damn!